Photos tagged with "Zacks Family"

  1. Ready for the Stonehenge bus tour
  2. West Kennet Long Barrow
  3. West Kennet Long Barrow
  4. Near West Kennet Long Barrow and Silbury Hill
  5. Avebury
  6. On the London Eye
  7. Santa Monica pier
  8. Griffith Park
  9. Griffith Park
  10. Memorial boat ride for Zack’s grandparents
  11. Memorial boat ride for Zack’s grandparents
  12. Memorial boat ride for Zack’s grandparents
  13. Memorial boat ride for Zack’s grandparents
  14. Memorial boat ride for Zack’s grandparents
  15. Memorial boat ride for Zack’s grandparents
  16. Memorial boat ride for Zack’s grandparents
  17. Zack’s grandparent’s back porch, with current resident
  18. In Hollywood with the Hollywood sign in the distance
  19. The Getty Museum
  20. I got an Instax camera for my birthday, so I took some pictures of us in a cafe. I really like the one on the right.
  21. Zack’s mom has gotten into weaving lately, and she’s building her own loom out of pipes.
  22. Visiting with Zack’s great uncle in Bakersfield
  23. Reception after the hooding ceremony
  24. Rehearsal dinner