Notes from Web Design Day 2015
These are my notes from Web Design Day, held on June 12 2015 in Pittsburgh, PA.
Table of Contents:
- Banish Your Inner Critic by Denise Jacobs
- Content Strategy for Slow Experiences by Margot Bloomstein
- Use Your Words - Why You Should Write About Your Work by Lisa Marie Martin
- Falling in love with forms by Aaron Gustafson
- Conflict is Key to Great Experiences by Steve Fisher
- Intercultural Design by Smitha Prasadh
- Design Decisions Through the Lens of Performance by Yesenia Perez-Cruz
- Laziness in the Time of Responsive Design by Ethan Marcotte
Banish Your Inner Critic
Denise Jacobs (@denisejacobs) - slides
- Fear is the enemy of creativity, suppresses creative brain activity
- How to recognize the inner critic
- really busy - inner critic is driving you
- “should have done X by now” - comparisons to others
- impostor syndrome
- not the same as Dunning Kreuger
- can’t have it unless you’re actually pretty good (“Wait, this means I’m actually a badass!”)
- it needs to be perfect, or procrastination - these two things feed each other
- How to manage
- eliminate should/must/ought
- means there’s something you don’t actually want to do
- make a “to don’t” list and delegate or drop those things if possible
- say no to comparisons
- you only see other people’s highlights
- compare to yourself a year ago, not to others
- ask the critic questions
- where does it come from? the person who gave you that insecurity might have been wrong
- it’s trying to save you from failure, but it gets in the way of creativity–“I don’t need you right now” and save for editing
- remember your successes
- connection between brain and body - power pose for 15-30 seconds - Amy Cuddy TED talk
- perfectionism - shooting for the beautiful idea in your head and focusing on the outcome rather than process
- new potters told to throw the perfect pot throw fewer, worse pots than potters who are told to throw as many as possible
- “done is beautiful”
- egocentric, but other people aren’t actually watching you that closely
- decouple your performance from who you are - your job is just this thing you do
- reframe failure - it isn’t happening right now, and when it does it’s an opportunity to begin again more intelligently
- kids learning to walk don’t care what it looks like
- satisfice - your C is someone else’s A, and getting the rest of the way there will kill you
- make something bad on purpose, then you have something to build on
- procrastination
- the task is too onerous to do, need to increase the meaning and value
- mind tricks - get ready to do it but don’t plan to do it, then you might as well just do it
- structured procrastination - work on todos 2 and 3 so you’re still doing something useful
- eliminate distractions - digital blocking
- pomodoro technique, etc, or fill a quota
Content Strategy for Slow Experiences
Margot Bloomstein (@mbloomstein) - slides
- Signs for roadside attractions on the way to Disney World didn’t convince her parents to stop - more content is not motivating if it isn’t the right time, and they already had a destination
- Chevy test track at Epcott - pre-ride experience builds sense of excitement, people are engaged, anticipating, discovering, building foundation for coming experience
- Frustrating experiences seem slow, delightful experiences seem fast, regardless of actual time taken
- Don’t need to speed things up or allow snap decisions, taking time isn’t necessarily bad - e.g. Amazon has 1-click, but also numerous ways to change an order; speeding up can actually increase frustration
- When to slow things down?
- exploration/discovery, e.g. Ikea
- make deliberate choices
- focus attention
- if people already know what they want, don’t get in the way
- How to slow people down
- editorial style
- Crutchfield - long form content, conversational tone like sitting with a friend over lunch
- Fidelity - short sentences to get people off homepage fast, long form, long sentences, passive voice, multiple steps for things that need consideration
- discovery and comparison-oriented content types
- sales person in a high-end store asks preferences, shows things that go with what you’re buying
- re-validate at multiple points that this decision is right, needs time and space to consider
- REI product comparisons - in store, try on backpack with weights; online, product comparison grid
- Ikea - see what you can fit in a cabinet both in the store and in online widget
- Long-form content, e.g. Crutchfield and REI additional content off of product pages
Use Your Words - Why You Should Write About Your Work
Lisa Marie Martin (@redsesame) - slides
- writing makes you a better designer - “design is thinking made visual” and “writing is thinking on paper”, practicing the same thing in a different way
- helps you understand yourself
- it’s easy to focus on doing and forget about why, writing focuses on why
- explain yourself, justify your design, make your thinking real so you can understand it differently
- help your career - you need to be able to communicate your work, sell yourself
- good for everyone else
- contributing to the conversation is what makes it a conversation
- how does your work change you, and have the potential to change someone else?
Falling in love with forms
Aaron Gustafson (@aarongustafson) - slides
- Code examples
- Break things down into reusable patterns
- Basic pattern - name in contact form - input with required attribute, label with for attribute
- Email builds on that, different input type and aria-describedby to add an additional note
- aria-labelledby and aria-describedby can take multiple ids, unlike label for
- button element can contain headings, paragraphs; can use to build complex, clickable submits
- other new input types
- number - needs patern=[0-9]* for numeric keypad in iOS
- datalist for predictive typing; can have falback with select inside datalist with “other” input outside
- suggested organization - put field rows in a list to tell assistive tech how many fields, give each item a class for the field type in case you need to style them differently
- checkboxes, e.g. newsletter confirmation - can have label with for as above, or can wrap label so you can remove input css from inputs that are decendants of labels
- keep for attribute on wrapping label to make sure it’s clickable in all browsers
- multiple-choice - each checkbox as above, then inside list and fieldset with legend
- related fields, e.g. day and time - fieldset with legend, and hide individual labels with css but keep for screenreader
- can use aria-labelledby to have both fieldset legend and label for each subfield if that reads more naturally
- small screens
- Increase label padding and decrease margins for bigger tap area
- don’t put field and label side-by-side, browser zooms on focus and label no longer visible
- validation
- put tabindex 0 on notes for the whole form, like note about required fields, so screen reader definitely reads it
- new field types have native validation, but safari will still allow you to submit the form
- pattern attribute - can push the same regex and custom error messages from the backend into the form
- he has a polyfill on github for custom error messages using the data attribute
- role=alert for div at the top of the form with errors, each error with an id link to the field
- use aria-invalid and aria-describedby to associate error messages with the field
Conflict is Key to Great Experiences
Steve Fisher (@hellofisher) - slides
- workshop questions: what do you do, what’s painful, what you love, what you wish
- uncover and address the conflict in the stories people tell
- framework to create a safe environment, shared language to answer those questions:
- audience (who does the project address?)
- vision
- design principles, values of project
- goals, things you can measure
- look for agreement, not compromise - need to sove the underlying conflict or it will pop up again later
Intercultural Design
Smitha Prasadh (@holasmitha)
- this is based on field of intercultural communication
- society may value individualism vs collectivism
- individualism: personal achievements
- collectivism - group harmony, face saving more than individual well-being
- appeal to people individually vs part of a group
- high power distance (hierarchical?) vs low power distance (flat?)
- symbols of authority, allowing only some people to do some things are high power distance
- uncertainty avoidance
- low risk tolerance, reliance on law to create clarity
- strong visual cues, avoid ambiguity
- e.g. warning messages for unconventional behavior
- masculinity/femininity, strength of division of gender roles
- masculine - bold, in your face
- feminine - subtle aesthetic to appeal more broadly
- long term culture vs short term actualization
- “it’ll be worth it” vs “it’ll be over soon”
- color and symbol meanings vary throughout the world
- technical limitations vary - browser, OS, internet speed, device, and technical needs of the language
Design Decisions Through the Lens of Performance
Yesenia Perez-Cruz (@yeseniaa)
- Process of balancing fast, functional, and light-weight vs memoral and on-brand
- Considerer overall experience, not just visuals - performance is how fast you deliver that experience to the audience
- think about performance from the beginning
- cant retrofit mockups for performance after they’re approved, need to plan features and style around it
- share case studies with clients to get them to care, align it with user and business goals
- create a UX assessment that includes performance to compare before and after, or to competitors
- performance budget
- frame decisions about what is/isn’t included early in the project - if images go over budget, need to cut elsewhere
- webpagetest, google page speed
- get baseline from competitors or from average bandwidth at user location
- can base on load time or bytes, Dan Mall performance budget chart has conversions between
- communicate and document
- need to check with devs throughout for what’s possible, what are alternatives
- need to communicate value to client throughout
- unexpected client requests may blow the performance budget - remind them, educate
- teach client to maintain the optimizations - e.g. optimize any new images they add
- create a styleguide
- move design into code to optimize sooner, figure out what can be loaded after initial page load
- still in design phase with client, can still make changes if necessary
- test on real devices early, more efficient than trying to add up bytes
- Grunt perfbudget to test in dev
Laziness in the Time of Responsive Design
Ethan Marcotte (@beep) - slides
- websites are a network of content rearranged at any screen size to convey a message: we want to work below the level of grids and columns, on individual components
- layout
- use less code to better effect, e.g. nth-child for grid columns
- start with 1 column, enhance css at major and minor breakpoints for appropriate number of columns at any size
- don’t put grid in html classes, less work in html and a bit more in css for much greater flexibility
- frameworks are great for prototypes and learning, but class-driven frameworks are conceptually heavy, rigid
- we need a different type of framework that focuses less on execution and more on quality
- The Illusion of Life by Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston - a vocabulary framework for Disney animators to talk about animation
- Whitney museum logo design - lightweight set of rules for many variations on the logo
- Gershner (?) font framework - enumerated all the ways fonts could vary, allowed creation of new fonts based on various characteristics - design systems support solutions
- “Content-out layout” on A List Apart - vocabulary for when elements need to adapt
- use breakpoints to defend the integrity of the content
- navigation
- fivethirtyeight, use off-canvas pattern and pull things out at widescreen
- hamburger icon
- may not be self explanatory, e.g. same as chinese trigram for sky, Time added an overlay to explain its use
- challenge with concealing nav in general, e.g. Disney has a very long nav, they avoid the larger challenge of well-designed IA; if it doesn’t fit, do we really need it here?
- BBC - overflow “more” link, more is shown as the page gets wider
- Guardian - “all sections” button, but primary nav is never hidden
- Filament Group - different designs on home vs deeper pages, does not need to be the same design solution throughout the site
- Frank Chimero - flexbox nav and logo, even less code than floats
- design transactions, not the interface - what is the html to support this interaction? this is the basic, device agnostic version, then enhance using html states
- see experience on two very broad tiers, not infinite combo of device/browser/network
- BBC has a fast baseline, loads just enough code to see if your browser can handle more code for the enhanced version